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The SUS Band

Sparkie Melody

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Lucky 13 Records/Cold Concrete Jungle

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Cold Concrete Jungle


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The song is a nostalgic look back to how parents sometimes have to restrict where you go and who you mix with because your parents only want the best and to protect you from the wolves outside the door. 

Growing up should always be governed with love, understanding and guidance. Without the reins of parental restrictions and rules, you could quite easily find the streets as the only source for your teachings. Your parents tell you things for a reason, not because they want to stifle your growth. 

As a child that wanted to be outside all the time, I had rules that must be obeyed or face the consequences. Of course, it’s natural for a child to push the boundaries and step across the line and I certainly did, but I was equipped with the teaching of my parents that the streets are not a place to act the fool. Get yourself mixed up in any sort of problem that results in police or gangs then you don’t live here!!  Defend yourself but stay as far from trouble as possible or one way or another you will see this jungle ain’t no playground. 

I dedicate this song to my dear Mummy and Pop’s and all parents & children around the world.